Hany El-Barbary Wins First Prize, Over Egypt!
Announced on 19 February 2009, Dr. Hany M. El-Barbary, MD., FRCS, was winner of First Prize for best ‘Prof. Shawki Kamal’ research from the ESS for his new invention: A novel “Pelvitrainer”, which is an apparatus he built to help young practicing surgeons learn laparoscopic skills necessary to do safe surgery.
Contestants had to be doctors or researchers, under the age of 40 and the inventions were to be genuine and authentic, displayed in a 15 minutes slide show.
Dr. Hany presented the invention on the 18th of February 2009, and the results were announced the following day, 19 February 2009, with an award ceremony held at the gala dinner of the 27th annual conference of the ESS, at Cairo's Semiramis Inter-Continental Hotel.
(Hany is the son of Hoda Nassef, creator of this blog!)